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On Becoming an Elf & Receiving ZiggyShortCrust Snail Mail

To be a mona lisa smiling elf, or not to be, that is the question! Well the answer is definitely to be. Respectfully speaking, it is very hard to draw me in general; So I am very impressed that Ziggy took her time to elfify me! A thank you, thank you thank you!! To ziggy for doing this, it is great to see another outlook on what I can look like as a elf. Though one thing I did learn from Ziggy was that elves frown so much more than humans!

I also was lucky enough to receive some Ziggy snail mail all the way from England! I included the photos below to show her gorgeous workmanship. It is very rare to find someone so openly giving! Especially one who revives the lost art of snail mail. I will definitely be sending something her way!

I think one of the best things about her blog is that elves and fairies are taken back to those stories we were told throughout our childhood and so were the times when we had the fine art of snail mail to. Though I think an honourable question is do the younger Generation Z (born from 1995 to 2012) still receive snail mail from each other?

If you want to be Elfified or Snail Mailed visit ZiggyShortCrust's blog! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is wonderful! I loved my letter that she sent me and it reminds me that I have to send her a letter back!


With love, thank you for your comments ♥❤ elle

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